Yammer is private social network that’s focused entirely on your business. In order to join your business's Yammer network, an applicant must have a working email address from your company's domain or be specifically invited by you. Yammer helps you get connected to the right people, share information across teams and organize around projects. Plus it does it in a social web based feel which is easy to use and quick to learn.
Download more information on Yammer.

Flattens the organization
- The hierarchy is flattened through Enterprise social media
- Employees with great ideas have a direct line to the CEO, COO, CFO
- CEOs, COOs, and CFOs can feedback and ideas, without a filter, or trapped in some email sent to a director that got buried
- You never know who should be part of a conversation and what they can contribute. Yammer brings together people within your company and is an effective tool for collaboration.
- Employees can collaborate better in teams across silos such as HR, Sales, Accounting, IT, in different states, countries even companies
- Yammer eliminates duplication of work and communication, as content is easily searchable
- Employees can break down walls of communication
Better than Email
- By utilizing threads that the entire group can see, people can jump into the conversation when they are ready
- New hires or new additions to a project team can see the history of issues, solutions, and discussions that no one takes the time to forward via email
- Users can like content and show they support without creating another email that has to be read
- Content can be delivered on your terms – immediately, once a day summaries, or once a week summaries - users control the flow of data
- Built in – in the future Microsoft will be building in the ability to have Yammer conversations into each of their products
External Communication
- Partners and supply chain must work more cohesively than ever. Yammer can be easily extended to customers, partners and vendors, giving them the same collaboration tools
Why Interlink?
Interlink Cloud Advisors is one of a select few of Microsoft Partners, both Microsoft Cloud Accelerate and Cloud Active – the highest levels of certification for Microsoft’s cloud programs.
Interlink will work with you to understand Yammer and can provide assistance every step of the way:
- Best practices on network creation
- Directory Integration and Authentication with single-sign on
- Collaboration – we can help you jumpstart engagement with our YamJam process
- Enable and encourage mobile access